Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday, 25 February 2010

New idea

As our rough cut was far too dark we'll need to film it again. However instead of using our original idea of having a robbery at a house we are going to change it to an attempted car robbery. The main reason for which is to have successful.continuity. This means that the attempted car robbery can be filmed close to the alley in which the chase is held. If we kept our original idea of a house robbery the continuity could be lost because we would have to change location from the house to the alley which may not be successful.

Our idea is someone is breaking into a car, the owner then comes out and the chase begins. The robber is chased down the alley and is then knocked out. The screen then goes all dark and the title of the film is shown, 'Cold Chase'.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Evaluation of ILP Day

Usefulness 5/10 The day was useful to us, as we got work done but i don't think we got enough done for the day to be higher than a five.

Work Achieved 4/10 We did get work done but being honest with ourselves we didn't get as much as we could of done.

Software usefulness 5/10 the software was useful but it started crashing on us ALOT so this held us back but we overcame it.

Structure 5/10 i feel we structured our day quite well although it could of been more structured on our part as sometimes we did things at different points than agreed.

Charlie unfortunatly was not present at the ILP day due to a school PVA trip, so it was steven and I who attended, throughout the day we looked at ad learnt about how Adobe Premiere Pro works and the tools and features we could use to edit video, not only did we look at editing video but we also looked at editing some music/sounds. However we were not able to put all of our ew skills to use as the software crashed quite a few times on us so not alot of editing got done.
However this did mean that Steven and I could do some more reaserch into chase scenes which was one of our ILP Day aims. During the day we looked at chase scenes from  'Prom Night', 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'Casino Royale'. We also looked at chase scenes from 'Forest' and 'Reply' which were two independent film which we found on 'YouTube'.

From our research we found that most of the shots were completed by using long shots and close ups, we both concluded that the use of these shots had different meaning during the scene
Long shots - were used to establish the depth of the chase
Close ups - we used to show the emotion of the characters.
Both are used to keep the audience interested in the film they are watching.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Plan for our ILP Day

1. Complete the editing for the rough cut
2. Research chease scenes to see how other have done them.
3. Learn more and advance our skills in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Monday, 1 February 2010

First Draft Rough Cut

For our rough cut Charlie and I went out filming, Steven couldn’t make it unfortunately, for our actors we used to of our friends James Hall and Lewis Brown, our location was in Chalfont. St. Peter, all filmed down the alley near to the school. We went out at around 7 o’clock which we thought was a good time.

We took two cameras out with us so we could get the low and high angle shots at the same time, to do this I was sat on the ground underneath Charlie who was up in the tree, this was so I could get the low angle feet shots and Charlie could get the high angles. I think that it worked well as both of us held the camera steady and the shots at the end were nice and clear.

Problems with our rough cut:

1. The first draft of out rough cut was too short only lasting for around 20 seconds. This needs to be made considerably longer as the final version needs to be approximately 2 minutes.

2. The footage was too dark. This needs to be made brighter the next time we film. We will do this by maybe filming at an earlier time in the day or using torches as props in the chase. By doing this the shots will be more clearer and lighter.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Dogme 95, set of rules

After doing some research into the filming style of our thriller we came accros some rules which were set out by filming studio Dogme 95 this is because many of the scenes they shoot are similar to ours, they say that if you use the rules you'll have an effective scene.

The Ten Rules
The Vow of Chastity

"I swear to submit to the following set of rules drawn up and confirmed by DOGMA 95:

1. Shooting must be done on location. Props and sets must not be brought in (if a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found).

2. The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice versa. (Music must not be used unless it occurs where the scene is being shot).

3. The camera must be hand-held. Any movement or immobility attainable in the hand is permitted. (The film must not take place where the camera is standing; shooting must take place where the film takes place).

4. The film must be in colour. Special lighting is not acceptable. (If there is too little light for exposure the scene must be cut or a single lamp be attached to the camera).

5. Optical work and filters are forbidden.

6. The film must not contain superficial action. (Murders, weapons, etc. must not occur.)

7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden. (That is to say that the film takes place here and now.)

8. Genre movies are not acceptable.

9. The film format must be Academy 35 mm.

10. The director must not be credited.
Furthermore I swear as a director to refrain from personal taste! I am no longer an artist. I swear to refrain from creating a “work”, as I regard the instant as more important than the whole. My supreme goal is to force the truth out of my characters and settings. I swear to do so by all the means available and at the cost of any good taste and any aesthetic considerations.

Thus I make my VOW OF CHASTITY"

The above writing is taken from a website we found that quotes Lars Von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg who worked for Dogma 95.

In our film we will try to keep to as many of these rules as we can to create an effective and powering film.

Monday, 4 January 2010

First Anamatic

This is the first copy of our animatic it is reasonably accurate to our short list but still needs some editing.